2004 Traffic Counts
Count information is available in three formats: Hourly Traffic Count Reports, Annual Traffic Count Summary, and Five Year Traffic Count Summary. Traffic Operations is responsible for the collection and reporting of information contained within this report. All questions regarding this data should be directed to the Traffic Operations Section of the Department of Transportation at (530) 642-4989.
The Hourly Traffic Count Report sheets provide count information with totals for each hour, as well as daily volume totals, weekday volume totals, and weekly volume totals. This report also indicates the peak a.m. hour and volume, and peak p.m. hour and volume. While counts are routinely collected in seven day increments, a number of factors may result in count reports of a shorter duration. The “Weekly Average” volume information is not reported for any counts that are less than seven days. The Total Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume reported at the bottom of each count sheet is based on the average of the total combined weekday counts.
The information provided by the Annual Traffic Count Summary includes the road name, count station, mile post reference, a descriptive location, weekday average daily traffic volume, and count period (the month or months when count was taken).
The Five Year Traffic Count Summary is a compilation of the Annual Daily Traffic volumes reported in the Annual Traffic Count Summaries for the previous five years. Since a number of factors may impact count data collection from year to year, such as construction on neighboring roads, holidays, special events, etc., caution should be exercised when using this data for comparison purposes.